Glory bush flowers
Tibouchina, also known as lasiandra, glory bush, or spider flower, in bloom now in Sydney. The beautiful deep-purple-magenta petals have peculiar ornate, spidery filaments - presumably makes them attractive to some or other insect for the purposes of pollination. For the petals, I used Dioxazine violet and magenta , with hints of ultramarine for the darker shadows, and for the leaves, Sap Green & Raw Sienna. I could probably have glazed the petals more to deepen the hue.
Beautiful magenta purple petals (pagenta?) and spidery filaments in the centre.
Tibouchina flowers (Glory Bush, Spider Flower) blooming in the neighbourhood
Tibouchina flowers, from a sample picked on a neighbourhood walk. They didn’t like being picked and were wilted by the time I got home. However, they revived after an hour or so in the vase of water. Lasted a day in the vase.